Hi! Today I asked what is the most important thing to remember in the coming week to help us when things are stressful. “Play”. Yup, you just can’t make this stuff up. It’s a lesson from the river otter. Embody the spirit of playfulness and joy. Find delight in simple pleasures, be adaptable to change, and cultivate strong relationships. Approach challenges with resourcefulness, a sense of humor, and maintain a harmonious balance between work and play. It’s Read more […]
Blog -Northern Lights Home Staging and Design
“Clear the Decks #5” -Energy Art and Interior Design
Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows.The energy of this collection is about transformation, which starts with releasing the old, to create fresh ground to plant new seeds of what we want in life. This art has the energy within it to inspire you take the reins whole-heartedly to make it happen…. not just a little bit, but really go for it. Each week I show an example in the same room of how you can easily change the look and feel of the room with different art from this collection, and paint Read more […]
Art of the Week- Behind the Scenes: “Transforming #12”
Hi there!Over the last several weeks I have been sharing my “Transforming” collection with you, which is about personal and spiritual transformation. I hope you have been enjoying it and would love to hear your thoughts about it.I shared a little about my own transformational journey. Have you experienced anything similar? It seems that the events in the world over the last several years are really inspiring us to delve deeper into who we are, what we want and why we are here.Here are a few more Read more […]
Art of the Week- Behind the Scenes: “Transforming”
Recently, I created a new collection called “Transforming”, which is about personal and spiritual transformation. When Covid started, that was when my own period of “transforming” began, and it has been going on ever since. I took that time I had when I could not do anything else to try to learn new things and make my life better, even when everything was chaos. It was my first experience delving into personal development classes that were all about transformation, of my business and myself. Transforming Read more […]
“Clear the Decks #2” -Energy Art and Interior Design
Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows. The energy of this collection is about transformation, which starts with releasing the old, to create fresh ground to plant new seeds of what we want in life. This art has the energy within it to inspire you take the reins whole-heartedly to make it happen…. not just a little bit, but really go for it. Each week I show an example in the same room of how you can easily change the look and feel of the room with different art from this collection, and Read more […]
“Clear the Decks #3” -Energy Art and Interior Design
Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows. The energy of this collection is about transformation, which starts with releasing the old, to create fresh ground to plant new seeds of what we want in life. This art has the energy within it to inspire you take the reins whole-heartedly to make it happen…. not just a little bit, but really go for it. Each week I show an example in the same room of how you can easily change the look and feel of the room with different art from this collection, and paint Read more […]
“Clear the Decks #4” -Energy Art and Interior Design
Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows. The energy of this collection is about transformation, which starts with releasing the old, to create fresh ground to plant new seeds of what we want in life. This art has the energy within it to inspire you take the reins whole-heartedly to make it happen…. not just a little bit, but really go for it. Each week I show an example in the same room of how you can easily change the look and feel of the room with different art from this collection, and Read more […]
“Clear the Decks” -Energy Art and Interior Design
Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows. The energy of the new moon recently brought in the energy of “clearing the decks” or releasing the old, to create fresh ground to plant new seeds of what we want in life. It is time to take the reins whole-heartedly to make it happen…. not just a little bit, but really go for it. That energy inspired this art for you to be inspired by and to attract your own transformation anytime you are ready.See an example of how you could use it in your space Read more […]
“Intuition” Energy Art and Interior Design- What can we learn and attact from the Barn Owl.
Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows! I am excited to share “Intuition”, a fractal art/AI collage highlighting animal wisdom, and the lessons animals can teach us if we just listen. Use this art in your space to enhance your inner voice and personal growth. This art is also in my new oracle card deck “Messages from the Animals” with an emphasis on Alaskan wildlife and the energy I experienced first hand with them. Owls are known for their ability to see and hear things that are not immediately Read more […]