A Message From The Universe Oracle Cards

"A Message From The Universe" oracle deck by Mary Ann Benoit of Northern Lights Home Staging and Design

A Message From the Universe Energy Art Deck

Get my digital oracle card deck with 52 of my beautiful energy art designs and their inspirational messages. Each card also links to a Saturday Night Live Art Show, where you can see it in a room.  Download it to your phone for daily inspiration and support.

"A Message From The Universe" oracle deck by Mary Ann Benoit of Northern Lights Home Staging and Design

As an energy artist, I channel messages from the universe through my art, an intricate blend of fractal and AI art. These messages will resonate with those who need them, and have been created over years for this oracle card deck. If this deck calls to you, there’s a message within meant for you—guiding alignment with your authentic self and unlocking your potential. Rooted in the sacred geometry of fractal art, enriched with vivid colors and sometimes intertwined with AI art, these cards are ideal for meditation and reflection. As an Interior Designer, I’ve used this energy art to create various home decor items to elevate your space. Dive deeper into each artwork and see how it comes alive in room designs via links in the deck.

Example of a Card

Give it as a gift!

Gift card for a"A Message from the Universe" digital oracle card deck.