Wearable Art – Get Grounded

Transform Your Life With Wearable Art  Everything is energy. Get grounded.Do you want to attract health, wealth and love into your life? The energy around you and your space, and even on the clothing you wear has the ability to affect you and attract or repel what you want.Here is an example from my store on Le Galeriste of some things in my “Elements” collection, They are based on Chinese healing arts and the energy of natural elements such as wood, earth, stone, metal, fire and water.The Read more […]

Art of the Week- Behind the Scenes: “Sharp Focus #4”

Art of the Week- Behind the Scenes: “Sharp Focus #4” Everything is energy.Hi! as you know, I teach Tai Chi and take many Tai Chi classes as well, so I am really in tune with the energy of the Chinese healing arts. We recently entered the time of the metal element as we move into winter. The metal element in Chinese healing arts and Feng Shui symbolizes clarity, structure, and precision. In healing, it is associated with the lungs and large intestine, encouraging emotional release and clear Read more […]

A Message From The Animals – “Boundaries”

A Message from the Animals for You Animals have a lot to teach us if we are willing to listen. Their messages can inspire our daily lives in profound ways. I created a digital oracle card deck with my wildlife energy art so you can put it on your phone and ask questions any time you like.   Each week, I ask for inspiration for all of us to make our lives better. Regardless of when you see this, it means the message is meant for you now. Today I asked what would be the most helpful thing Read more […]

Art of the Week- Behind the Scenes: “Freedom #5”

Art of the Week- Behind the Scenes: “Freedom #5” Everything is energy.It is time to make a choice. Do you want freedom? Have you ever thought about what it would be like to not have it? Are you taking it for granted?Freedom invites a sense of release, letting go of old chains, and stepping into the unknown with confidence and trust. You honor your own truth, and are fully yourself without fear. You explore, create, and thrive in your own unique way, and the universe supports and guides you.  Support Read more […]

Wearable Art – Embrace the Earth

Transform Your Life With Wearable Art  Everything is energy. Do you want to attract health, wealth and love into your life? Everything is energy. The energy around you and your space, and even on the clothing you wear has the ability to affect you and attract or repel what you want. Here is an example from my store on Le Galeriste of some things in my “Elements” collection, They are based on Chinese healing arts and the energy of natural elements such as wood, earth, stone, Read more […]

A Message From The Animals – “Camouflage”

A Message from the Animals for You Animals have a lot to teach us if we are willing to listen. Their messages can inspire our daily lives in profound ways. I created a digital oracle card deck with my wildlife energy art so you can put it on your phone and ask questions any time you like.   Each week, I ask for inspiration for all of us to make our lives better. Regardless of when you see this, it means the message is meant for you now.Today I asked what would be the most helpful thing for Read more […]

Art of the Week- Behind the Scenes: “Truth #3”

Art of the Week- Behind the Scenes: “Truth #3″. I am often amazed at how much mis-information we are surrounded by and how some try to get us to believe it by repeating it over and over. I love that old Winston Churchill quote ” A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” Truth, you know it when you see it (or hear it). Truth is important. Letting intuition guide us to the truth is empowering and liberating. It offers clarity and calm, cutting Read more […]

Art of the Week- Behind the Scenes: “Embrace the Earth”

Art of the Week- Behind the Scenes: “Embrace the Earth”. I spend a lot of time thinking about energy, healing, and Chinese healing arts since I am a Tai Chi instructor and teach 8-9 classes a week. Things that come up in my class, or classes I take often provides inspiration for my art. In Chinese healing arts and Feng Shui, the concept of elements is central to understanding balance, health, and harmony. These elements, like earth, water, fire, wood and metal are connected to different aspects Read more […]

A Message From The Animals – “Transformation”

A Message from the Animals for You Animals have a lot to teach us if we are willing to listen. Their messages can inspire our daily lives in profound ways. I created a digital oracle card deck with my wildlife energy art so you can put it on your phone and ask questions any time you like.   Each week, I ask for inspiration for all of us to make our lives better. Regardless of when you see this, it means the message is meant for you now.Lately, with the super moon, harvest moon and lunar eclipse, Read more […]

“Awakening #2” -Energy Art and Interior Design

Do you feel the collective energy around you of waking up? Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows.My “Awakening” energy art collection is about the journey of moving from darkness to light. It feels like we are all waking up. It represents our journey of becoming more aware, finding peace, and connecting with our true selves. As we let go of old patterns and embrace love and compassion individually, we can discover a new sense of alignment and purpose in our lives.Its not just personal awakening, Read more […]
