“Transforming #3” -Energy Art and Interior Design

"Transforming #3" Energy Art and Interior Design by Mary Ann Benoit of Northern Lights Home Staging and Design on Saturday Night Live Art Shows

Imagine the power of “Transforming”, and bringing peace and well-being into your life.



Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows. “Transforming” is a collection of ethereal abstracts symbolizing personal and spiritual transformation. The metal filagree symbolizes the intricate journey of personal and spiritual growth. The pearl drops highlight moments of clarity and enlightenment. The soft, flowing lines invite reflection on the beauty of change and the new beginnings, renewal and the graceful evolution of the human spirit. Transformation brings peace and well-being.


See examples in the coming weeks of the same room, and how you can easily change the look and feel  with different art from this collection, and paint and accent colors to tailor it to what you like.


Raise the vibe in your space today. Great design starts with energy. When your space is better, you are better. When you are better, the world is better. The world needs you.


My unique Interior Design philosophy. “Aligned Deisgn”, combines The ART of beauty The SCIENCE of color The ENERGY of well-being. Art + Science + Energy = Magic.

See my Transforming collection here.

See all my digital/ fractal art here.

Be sure to check out all the other artists from around the world,   having art shows in their Facebook and social media feeds at 6-9 pm in their time zones. Follow Saturday Night Live Art Shows on Facebook by searching #snlartshows.


"Transforming" Energy Art

When you look at this art, imagine the power of transforming, and bringing peace and well-being into your life. Transformation is something we can embark on by choice, or that can be inspired by circumstances.


During transformation, you may notice the following changes. My “Transforming” collection expresses the energy of these different changes. Attract them in your own life by putting them in your space and focusing your attention on them. This show highlights steps 7, 8 and 9.


  1. Awakening: It starts with a gentle nudge, an inner call that stirs your soul and makes you question your current path.
  2. Curiosity: This awakening leads to a deep curiosity, a hunger to understand more about yourself and the world around you.
  3. Seeking: Driven by this curiosity, you begin to seek knowledge and wisdom from books, teachers, and spiritual practices.
  4. Self-Reflection: You spend time in self-reflection, examining your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and recognizing patterns that no longer serve you.
  5. Acceptance: You come to accept yourself fully, with all your flaws and strengths, understanding that this is the first step to genuine transformation.
  6. Letting Go: You start to let go of old beliefs, habits, and relationships that hinder your growth, making space for new experiences.
  7. Mindfulness: You practice mindfulness, learning to stay present in the moment and appreciate the beauty of the now.
  8. Meditation: Regular meditation becomes a cornerstone of your practice, helping you connect with your inner self and the divine.
  9. Gratitude: You cultivate an attitude of gratitude, recognizing the blessings in your life and shifting your focus from lack to abundance.
  10. Forgiveness: You learn to forgive others and yourself, releasing the burden of past grievances and opening your heart to love.
  11. Compassion: You develop compassion, seeing the interconnectedness of all beings and treating others with kindness and understanding.
  12. Intuition: You begin to trust your intuition, listening to your inner voice and allowing it to guide your decisions.
  13. Purpose: You discover your life purpose, a calling that aligns with your deepest values and passions.
  14. Service: You find joy in serving others, understanding that helping others is a path to true fulfillment.
  15. Healing: You undergo deep emotional healing, addressing past traumas and wounds with courage and resilience.
  16. Connection: You feel a profound connection with the universe, sensing that you are part of something much larger than yourself.
  17. Synchronicity: You notice synchronicities and signs that affirm you are on the right path, guiding you with subtle nudges.
  18. Empowerment: You feel empowered to make choices that align with your highest good, standing firm in your truth.
  19. Creativity: You express yourself creatively, whether through art, writing, or other forms, channeling your inner light into the world.
  20. Wisdom: You gain wisdom from your experiences, understanding the deeper lessons behind each challenge and joy.
  21. Balance: You strive for balance in all areas of your life, harmonizing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves.
  22. Community: You seek out and connect with like-minded individuals, building a supportive spiritual community.
  23. Resilience: You develop resilience, bouncing back from setbacks with greater strength and clarity.
  24. Joy: You find joy in simple things, appreciating the small moments of beauty and wonder in everyday life.
  25. Peace: A deep sense of inner peace settles within you, a calm that remains regardless of external circumstances.
  26. Transformation: Finally, you recognize your transformation, acknowledging the profound changes within you and embracing the journey that continues to unfold.

How can you use Energy Art in your space?

Are you ready to invite awakening, curiousity and seeking into your life?



Energy flows to where your attention goes. I put my energy to attract these things into the art. When you see it in your space, your added focus and energy creates power and helps attract those things to you.

Put these designs on a variety of home decor products such as pillows, bedding, rugs, wall murals, and more for a variety of ways to use it in your space.


In this design, you can see it on the wall art, the pillows and the rug.

"Transforming #3" Energy Art and Interior Design by Mary Ann Benoit of Northern Lights Home Staging and Design on Saturday Night Live Art Shows
Transforming energy art and Interior Design by Mary Ann Benoit of Northern Lights Home Staging and Design
Transforming #10 by Mary Ann Benoit
Transforming #10 by Mary Ann Benoit
Transforming #11 by Mary Ann Benoit
Transforming #11 Digital Art by Mary Ann Benoit

What is Energy Art?

I infuse my emotions, intentions, and energy into my artwork to convey specific qualities, like prosperity. When you engage with the art, you absorb these emotions and intentions, aligning them with your own energy. This interaction creates a powerful force that helps you attract and manifest your desires.

Are You Ready to Create Your Perfect Space with Art?

Aligned Design is a holistic, spiritual approach to interior design based on the combination of art, science and energy that supports you to be the person you are meant to be when in alignment with who you truly are. 

Aligned Design harmonizes art, science, and energy, which is the foundation. It includes:

The Art of Beauty – Beyond mere aesthetics, it create spaces that celebrate art, and create an extraordinary sensory experience.

The Science of Color – With a scientific approach to color, and as Alaska’s sole certified color strategist, I ensure every hue sings in harmony based on science and not guesswork. Color makes a huge difference in how your space looks and feels.

The Energy of Well-Being –  I assess the unseen energy of your environment, what you need, and create energy art and a design to enhance your space that captures your true essence, and supports your potential. 

By combining art, science, and energy, we create magic that looks great, feels great and supports you to be great.

Energy art forms the foundation, guiding the style and color for the rest of the space.

It is like listening to a symphony orchestra playing a beautiful and moving musical masterpiece. All the instruments work in harmony together, and Aligned Design is the music they are playing.  The energy art is the conductor, the individual instruments are the design elements.The sheet music is the color.

Is the sound of the orchestra tuning up individually before the show what your space is like now?

Are you ready to create your masterpiece? Try my Aligned Design consultation and let’s get started.

Online or In Person?

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By Mary Ann Benoit

President- Northern Lights Home Staging and Design Owner- Arctic Paradise Bed and Breakfast Artist- Stained Glass, Jewelry and Alcohol Ink Art Wildlife Biologist Director- Kaleido World Percussion and Dance Company Director- Tavus Dance Company of Alaska Lover of music, art, dance and animals.
