Art of the Week- Behind the Scenes: “Transforming”

Art of the Week- Behind the Scenes: "Transforming"

Recently, I created a new collection called “Transforming”, which is about personal and spiritual transformation.


When Covid started, that was when my own period of “transforming” began, and it has been going on ever since. I took that time I had when I could not do anything else to try to learn new things and make my life better, even when everything was chaos. It was my first experience delving into personal development classes that were all about transformation, of my business and myself.


Transforming has been well worth it, even though it has been a lot of work. I have noticed alot of changes that have happened along the way that, I I think others do also. It led me to create this collection. 


As an example, here are the first three things that typically happen during transformation.   

Awakening: It starts with a gentle nudge, an inner call that stirs your soul and makes you question your current path.

Curiosity: This awakening leads to a deep curiosity, a hunger to understand more about yourself and the world around you.

Seeking: Driven by this curiosity, you begin to seek knowledge and wisdom from books, teachers, and spiritual practices.


“Transforming” is a collection of ethereal abstracts symbolizing personal and spiritual transformation. The metal filagree symbolizes the intricate journey of personal and spiritual growth. The pearl drops highlight moments of clarity and enlightenment. The soft, flowing lines invite reflection on the beauty of change and the new beginnings, renewal and the graceful evolution of the human spirit. Transformation brings peace and well-being.


Below is an example of one of the first pieces, “Transforming #2”.

I hope you enjoy it and the story behind it. Maybe it will awaken some curiousity and seeking within you.

How can you use "Transforming" Energy Art in your space?

Does the inspiration from this collection resonate with you? Are you ready to make room for your own transformation?


I put my energy to attract this into the art. When you see it in your space, your energy in addition to that of the art creates power and helps attract those things to you.


Because this art is digital, it can also be put on a variety of home decor products such as pillows, bedding, rugs, wall murals, and more.  This helps create a variety of ways to use it in your space.

See how I used this piece in one of my digital Interior Designs in this Saturday Night Live Art Show.

Have some fun and wear it!  See my collection on Le Galeriste.

What is Energy Art?

I infuse my emotions, intentions, and energy into the artwork I create, to convey specific qualities or benefits—such as prosperity—to you. As you engage with the art, you absorb the intended emotions and intentions, and align them with your own energy. This dynamic interaction generates a powerful force that resonates with your intentions, essentially harnessing the energy in the artwork and combining it with your own to attract and manifest what you want.




Emotions, which are energy in motion, serve as a catalyst for this connection.


Energy art is the foundation of  Interior Design that not only is beautiful but is transformative and enriches your life by expressing your true essence and supporting your potential.

Are You Ready to Create Your Masterpiece?

Aligned Design is a holistic, spiritual approach to interior design based on the combination of art, science and energy that supports you to be the person you are meant to be when in alignment with who you truly are. 

Aligned Design harmonizes art, science, and energy, which is the foundation. It includes:

The Art of Beauty – Beyond mere aesthetics, it create spaces that celebrate art, and create an extraordinary sensory experience.

The Science of Color – With a scientific approach to color, and as Alaska’s sole certified color strategist, I ensure every hue sings in harmony based on science and not guesswork. Color makes a huge difference in how your space looks and feels.

The Energy of Well-Being –  I assess the unseen energy of your environment, what you need, and create energy art and a design to enhance your space that captures your true essence, and supports your potential. 

By combining art, science, and energy, we create magic that looks great, feels great and supports you to be great.

Energy art forms the foundation, guiding the style and color for the rest of the space.

It is like listening to a symphony orchestra playing a beautiful and moving musical masterpiece. All the instruments work in harmony together, and Aligned Design is the music they are playing.  The energy art is the conductor, the individual instruments are the design elements.The sheet music is the color.

Is the sound of the orchestra tuning up individually before the show what your space is like now?

Are you ready to create your masterpiece? Try my Aligned Design consultation and let’s get started.

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By Mary Ann Benoit

President- Northern Lights Home Staging and Design Owner- Arctic Paradise Bed and Breakfast Artist- Stained Glass, Jewelry and Alcohol Ink Art Wildlife Biologist Director- Kaleido World Percussion and Dance Company Director- Tavus Dance Company of Alaska Lover of music, art, dance and animals.