Saturday Night Live Art Shows- Energy Art- Attract Wealth, Health and Love

Saturday Night Live Art Shows- Energy Art- Attract Wealth, Health and Love
Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows.
What is energy art and how can it make a difference in your life?
Energy Art can help you attract more wealth, health and abundance. It is the foundation for my unique Interior Design philosophy, Aligned Design© which combines
The ART of Beauty
The SCIENCE of Color
The ENERGY of Well-Being
Energy art becomes the foundation for the design of your space.
I create energy art to radiate and express energy concepts that influence and uplift your energy to help you remember who you truly are, and reach your full potential.
Express who you truly are and reach your potential with energy art.
Energy art can help you get aligned, which in turn helps you become a magnet for more wealth, health and happiness.
This video shows a gallery of some of my Edesigns and energy art.
Energy is everything.Everything is energy.
See examples of the art of beauty with my globally inspired, soulfully aligned designs.
See examples of how the science of color can create extraordinary color that changes the energy of your space.
See energy art and designs that promote well-being, and how your space can support you to be who you truly are so you become a magnet for more wealth, health and love.
See energy art and designs that inspire transformation, change, growth, and uplift you toward your potential.
See examples of designs and energy art that draws inspiration from the unparalleled teachings of the natural world.
See energy art and designs that harness the vast and profound energy resonating from the universe and realms beyond our perception.
As your alignment grows, you can become a magnet for more wealth, health and love. See energy art and designs that promote that.
When your space is better, you are better. When you are better, the world is better. And the world needs you.
Express the essence of who you truly are.

See the Show

Thanks to Saturday Night Live Art Shows creator, artist Brooke Harker and her co-hosts Joan Marie of Joan Marie ArtSheryl Benjy, and Nichole McDaniel for making this possible. Follow Saturday Night Live Art Shows on Facebook by searching #snlartshows.


 Aligned Energy Art  is another layer of meaning beyond the visual beauty in creating your perfect space that is  aligned with who you want to be.”

What is Energy Art?

Dive into my digital art world, where AI and Fractal art merge into a visually stunning and energetically supportive tapestry. Using language as a tool, I guide the AI to align with my artistic vision, then blend in energy-infused fractal art layers. My computer screen becomes a canvas, showcasing a dance of AI imagery and mesmerizing fractal patterns. More than just visual delight, each piece carries an energy message, some of it subliminal, infused with positive vibes tailored to resonate with its viewer. This exploration pushes digital art boundaries, merging meaning and energy. My artwork, rich in color and detail, serves as an invitation to a transformative experience, aiming to uplift and align with your true self.

See more of my Fractal Art/ Sacred Geometry designs on Fine Art America or Society 6

Art Prints

How Can Energy Art Help You Become More Aligned?

Energy art serves as a bridge between the tangible realm of design and the intangible energies that influence our emotions, behaviors, and inner truths. Here’s how energy art can assist in aligning you with your true self:

  1. Resonance and Reflection: Energy art often resonates with viewers on a deep, personal level. Such art can reflect aspects of your subconscious or emotions, acting as a mirror to your inner world, helping you gain insights into your authentic self.

  2. Shift in Energy: Energy Art, when infused with the energy of the artist, can shift the energy of a space. Being surrounded by energy-aligned art can aid in changing or enhancing your own vibrational frequency, thereby drawing you closer to alignment with your true self.

  3. Catalyst for Meditation and Introspection: Energy art can be a focal point for meditation, offering an anchor for your thoughts. This can lead to profound self-awareness and understanding.

  4. Stimulation of Positive Emotions: Energy artis intended to evoke specific feelings or states of being. Such positive stimulation can help clear mental and emotional blocks, guiding you to resonate more with your true feelings and desires.

  5. Connection to Higher Realms: For those inclined spiritually, energy art can serve as a portal or connection to higher realms, spirit guides, or universal energies. This can be instrumental in understanding your life’s purpose or soul’s journey.

  6. Enhancement of Healing: Energy art can catalyze healing—be it emotional, mental, or spiritual. This healing can strip away layers of trauma, pain, or societal conditioning, revealing the genuine self beneath.

  7. Aid in Visualization: Such art can assist in visualizing goals, desires, or aspects of yourself you may wish to understand or manifest better.

  8. Affirmations and Intentions: Many pieces of energy art come with specific intentions or affirmations. Regularly viewing and connecting with these affirmations can embed these positive messages deeper into one’s psyche, facilitating alignment with core values and beliefs.


In essence, energy art is a powerful tool that merges aesthetics, intention, and vibrational frequencies. When engaged with purposefully, it becomes more than just a visual treat—it transforms into a dynamic guide, leading you closer to understanding and embodying your authentic self.

"Alignment" energy art by Mary Ann Benoit
"Alignment" Energy Art by Mary Ann Benoit

See my Saturday Night Live Art Show. “Are You Aligned”?

How Can Energy Art Help Attract More Wealth, Health and Abundance?

Energy art, with its intentional fusion of aesthetics and vibrational resonance, serves as a conduit for positive energies and manifestations.  Here’s how energy art might assist in drawing wealth, health, and love into one’s life:

  1. Frequency Alignment for Wealth: The law of attraction says that like attracts like. By surrounding oneself with energy art that resonates with the frequency of abundance and prosperity, one might raise their personal vibration to match that of wealth, thus attracting financial opportunities and prosperity.

  2. Promoting Health: Energy art, especially pieces designed to emanate calm, balance, and rejuvenation, can foster an environment of relaxation and positivity. This can reduce stress, a major culprit behind many health issues, and promote healing and well-being. Additionally, art pieces that resonate with vitality and vigor can serve as a daily reminder and motivator to pursue healthy habits.

  3. Attracting Love: Energy art focused on love, compassion, and partnership can serve to open one’s heart and make them more receptive to giving and receiving love. The art can not only attract romantic love but can also strengthen familial bonds, friendships, and self-love. It acts as a visual representation of the love one wishes to manifest, making the intention clear and tangible.

See my Saturday Night Live Art Show, “Have You Found Your Twin Flame”?

Twin Flames energy art and edesign by Mary Ann Benoit
See my Twin Flames collection.

4. Harmonizing Space: The placement of energy art can harmonize the flow of chi or energy in a space, based on principles similar to Feng Shui. A harmonized space is believed to remove blocks and make the flow of positive energies like wealth, health, and love smoother and more natural.

5. Stimulating Positive Thoughts and Actions: Being surrounded by energy art that embodies what you desire (be it wealth, health, or love) can serve as a daily affirmation. This can lead to more positive thoughts, which in turn can manifest in positive actions, decisions, and outcomes.

6. Cultivating Gratitude:  Gratitude is a powerful magnet for abundance in all its forms. Energy art can serve as a reminder of the universe’s bounties and encourage a daily practice of gratitude, which in turn can attract even more to be grateful for.


Saturday Night Live Art Shows- Aligned Energy Art: "Gratitude".
"Gratitude" Energy Art and Edesign by Mary Ann Benoit.

7. Enhancing Connectivity: Energy art can promote a sense of connection—to oneself, to others, and to the universe. This connectivity can foster deeper relationships, better understanding of oneself (leading to better health choices), and a sense of abundance.


In essence, energy art becomes a tangible reflection of one’s intentions. By consciously interacting with and acknowledging these intentions through art, one is taking an active step toward manifesting the desires of wealth, health, and love in their life.

Are You Ready to Create Your Perfectly Aligned Space?

Isn’t it time to create a space that is aligned with who you truly are? Get an Aligned Design consultation which includes an Interior Design, Color, and Energy consultation, and custom fractal art to tie it all together. 

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By Mary Ann Benoit

President- Northern Lights Home Staging and Design Owner- Arctic Paradise Bed and Breakfast Artist- Stained Glass, Jewelry and Alcohol Ink Art Wildlife Biologist Director- Kaleido World Percussion and Dance Company Director- Tavus Dance Company of Alaska Lover of music, art, dance and animals.