Social Media Advertising Services

Social Media Advertising for Home Sellers and Vacation Rental Owners

There’s a lot of hype these days about the value of social media in promoting an event, an idea and; how about this – a home sale! And why not; social media reaches a larger and younger audience of home buyers.  Its smart selling!

If you are planning on selling a home in this era you are smart to use social media to capture the attention of potential home buyers. Include social media in your marketing arsenal for a faster home sale. And for sellers who will use the For-Sale-By-Owner strategy; social media is a must.

As the seller, you can provide key elements of packaging your home sale and see that it is part of your social media marketing. Doing this will positively shape home buyer perceptions and emotions; those psychological triggers that prompt buyers to make you on offer on their future home!

I provide nationwide social media advertising services for your home for sale by creating custom Facebook pages and videos that capture the “essence” of what your home has to offer that buyers can’t see on the MLS. Combined with home staging, it’s a winning combination to sell your home fast and for more!

Social media advertising is also an excellent option to promote your vacation rental property, such as a Bed and Breakfast. Online photos and video are critical to capturing the interest of potential renters online and getting them to book or rent your property.

I provide social media advertising services nationwide. If you are located in our service area, we can take digital photos for you to use in your social media advertising or recommend a professional photographer. If you live outside of our service area, we can work with photos that you provide.

Visit our social media advertising portfolio to see what we can do for you.

Social Media Advertising Services - Northern Lights Home Staging and Design
Highlight the essence of what makes your property special


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Social Media Advertising for Home Sellers and Vacation Rental Owners
Social Media Advertising for Home Sellers and Vacation Rental Owners