Detached Garage Offices: A Startup Strategy for Boosting Productivity and Scalability

When it comes to startup success, optimizing for productivity is key. While co-working spaces and conventional offices have their merits, entrepreneurs are now looking for more flexible and cost-effective solutions. In a quest for this, a detached home office, specifically in the form of a detached garage, has emerged as a viable alternative. This structure is not only affordable but also customizable, making it perfect for fledgling companies.Courtesy of Northern Lights Home Staging & Design, Read more […]

Revolutionizing Your Life with Downsizing: A Path to Simplicity and Freedom

In today’s fast-paced world, the allure of a simpler, more efficient lifestyle is growing ever stronger. Downsizing your living space is not just a trend but a strategic move towards a more liberated and fulfilling life. With a focus on reducing clutter, financial burdens, and maintenance responsibilities, downsizing presents a unique opportunity to redefine your living standards and priorities. Here are some tips from Mary Ann Benoit to get you started.Save Financially Imagine the relief and freedom Read more […]

Saturday Night Live Art Shows- “Adaptability” – What we can learn from an Arctic Fox

Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows!I am excited to share “Adaptability”, the first in a new series of art on animal wisdom, and lessons animals can teach us if we just listen. I will use the art from this series in a new oracle card deck, “Messages from the Animals”, with an emphasis on Alaskan wildlife.All the art will be of animals I have had experience with in the wild, experiencing their energy first hand. I’ll combine that knowledge with other things I have learned about their spiritual Read more […]

Green and Clean: Eco-Friendly Tips for Decluttering Your Home

The drive to create a clean, organized living space can often result in significant waste. Fortunately, decluttering your home doesn’t have to mean contributing to landfill overload. This article from Northern Lights Staging and Design aims to give you a roadmap for making eco-conscious choices as you clean up, declutter, and reorganize. In doing so, you can contribute to environmental sustainability while enjoying the benefits of the positive energy of a more organized and harmonious home. Repair Read more […]

A Message From The Animals – Energy Art Oracle Card Deck

A Message From The Animals oracle card deck showcases energy art that taps into powerful ideas to enrich your life. This art offers relaxation, healing, and inspiration, acting as a guide for personal growth and alignment, and as a design foundation for creating your perfect space. Each piece I make feels like it holds a message—sometimes for me, often for others. They’re like oracle cards, blending beauty with insights.I’ve recently published a new digital oracle card deck on Deckible,called Read more […]

Saturday Night Live Art Shows- “A Message From The Universe” Energy Art Oracle Card Deck

Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows! For four years, I’ve been creating ‘energy art’ that taps into powerful ideas, with a goal to enrich your life. This art offers relaxation, healing, and inspiration, acting as a guide for personal growth and alignment, and as a design foundation for creating your perfect space. Each piece I make feels like it holds a message—sometimes for me, often for others. They’re akin to oracle cards, blending beauty with insights.I’ve recently published some of  Read more […]

Saturday Night Live Art Shows- “Prosperity” Energy Art and Edesign

Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows! I hope you enjoy my new collection, “Prosperity”, that was inspired by an intention that I set with a fellow artist. Our intention was that our art would serve as a powerful catalyst for connecting people, and fostering prosperity in the lives of both the creators and recieves the art. The idea inspired this AI/fractal art collage, showing a woman recieving the gift of prosperity through art. It is overlayed with fractal art hearts from my “Path with Heart” Read more […]

4 Ways to Create the Home Office of Your Dreams Without Putting a Dent on Your Budget

There’s no place like home to work, and it can help you maintain a healthy work-life balance when done right. You’re spared commuting, you can enjoy a flexible schedule, and working from home is known to lower stress levels and increase productivity—on top of many other benefits. Among the best ways to guarantee this is to create a working environment that’s set up for success, focus, and inspiration. Here’s how to do so without breaking the bank. Stock up on essentials. At the most fundamental Read more […]

Let the Art be the Heart of Your Home

Showcasing how the art of three different artists changed the energy in the same space.

When you fuse art, science, and energy in your design, magic happens. And trust me, it’s simpler than waiting for the stars to align! The perfect piece of art doesn’t just beautify a room—it anchors it, delighting the eye, dictating the color theme, and setting the room’s energy. Changing the art can change the energy of your room. Let art breathe life into your home. While ‘energy’ might sound intangible, you’ll recognize its presence the moment you step into a room. Everything in your space, Read more […]

Birds of a Feather- What Birds Can Teach Us About Designing the Perfect Room 3

Previously, I showed you how flat lays create endless possibilities for creating a perfect space and three flat lays inspired by bird feathers. Birds provide endless inspiration for creating beautiful designs with the intricate patterns,  colors, and textures of their feathers! Flat Lay #1- The Forest In my article Birds of a Feather- What Birds Can Teach Us About Designing the Perfect Room, I shared a design for the first flat lay, inspired by realistic photo art of Pintail duck and eagle Read more […]