Green and Clean: Eco-Friendly Tips for Decluttering Your Home

Green and Clean: Eco-Friendly Tips for Decluttering Your Home

The drive to create a clean, organized living space can often result in significant waste. Fortunately, decluttering your home doesn’t have to mean contributing to landfill overload. This article from Northern Lights Staging and Design aims to give you a roadmap for making eco-conscious choices as you clean up, declutter, and reorganize. In doing so, you can contribute to environmental sustainability while enjoying the benefits of the positive energy of a more organized and harmonious home.

Repair to Save Money

Before tossing out that broken chair or malfunctioning appliance, consider repair as a first option. Repairing an item saves you money and reduces the demand for new products, thereby saving resources. Repair cafes, online tutorials, and local repair shops can often breathe new life into items you’d otherwise discard. By choosing to fix rather than replace, you contribute to a culture of repair that counters our throwaway society.

Say No to Single-Use Items

The next time you’re tempted to buy disposable razors, plastic cutlery, or single-use cleaning wipes, pause and consider the environmental impact. Business Insider notes that single-use items contribute massively to pollution and waste. Instead, opt for reusable alternatives like metal razors, bamboo cutlery, and washable cloth wipes. By making this shift, you are decluttering sustainably and fostering long-term habits that will keep your home—and the planet—clean.

Choose Reusable

Storing food in single-use plastic containers is bad for the environment and your home’s organization. Reusable containers made of glass or BPA-free plastic are better choices. They are more durable, better for your health, and far less wasteful. In addition, they stack neatly, making your kitchen or pantry look cleaner and more organized.

Say Goodbye to Paper Clutter

With the advent of mobile scanner apps, you can convert your physical documents into digital formats quickly. By digitizing paperwork, you save trees and reduce clutter, leading to a more organized living space. This conversion is a win-win: you’re both preserving memories or essential information and reducing your ecological footprint. Making this change can be as simple as scanning your documents and properly recycling the originals.

The negative effects of clutter are numerous. Among them are negative energy, stress and a decline in cognitive function and decreased ability to focus. Gone unchecked for too long, clutter can create a sense of chaos that negatively affects mental well-being.

You can apply paperless principles in all aspects of life. Workplaces can also go paperless, and with online education opportunities, you can even engage in lifelong learning.  Maybe you want to learn more about the psychology surrounding clutter and exploring the complexities of the human mind inspires you! Check out your options for getting a degree in psychology at a school that is accredited and affordable.

Green and Clean: Eco-Friendly Tips for Decluttering Your Home

Start a Composting Practice

If you’re tossing out organic waste like vegetable peelings, old fruits, and yard waste, you’re missing out on a valuable resource. NPR points out that composting is an excellent way to recycle organic material, reducing landfill waste and creating nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Even if you don’t have a yard, many cities offer composting programs, and countertop composters can fit in even the smallest apartments.

Donate to Charity

Instead of throwing out things you no longer need, consider donating them. Clothes, toys, furniture, and even old electronics can find a second home, helping others and contributing to a circular economy. Organizations like Goodwill, the Salvation Army, and local charities often accept a wide range of items, turning your old belongings into valuable resources for those in need.

Choose Chemical-Free Cleaners

Cleaning products can be laden with harmful chemicals that are bad for you and the environment. Opt for eco-friendly cleaning solutions available in the market. Websites like provide expert reviews and recommendations on sustainable cleaning products. This way, you can ensure that your home remains spotless without causing harm to the planet.

Be Responsible and Recycle

Recycling is not just about throwing items into a recycle bin; it involves understanding what can be recycled and how to prepare items for recycling to minimize contamination. Make sure you’re familiar with your local recycling guidelines. Correctly sorting your recyclables ensures that they can be properly processed, reducing the environmental impact.

Adopting an eco-friendly approach to decluttering offers a path to a cleaner, more organized home that also lessens your environmental impact. By making thoughtful decisions about what to repair, what to replace, what to donate, and how to manage waste, you are taking significant steps towards a greener, more sustainable lifestyle. So go ahead, declutter your home the eco-friendly way, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with both a tidy space and a healthier planet.

Written by guest blogger Suzie Wilson from Happier Home. Suzie is an Interior Designer and author.

Green and Clean: Eco-Friendly Tips for Decluttering Your Home

Energy Art that Inspires Decluttering

Is it time to regenerate and renew the parts of yourself that need repair or need to be let go? Why hold on to what does not serve you or make you happy? I have an entire series of energy art in my “Regenerate” collection that is infused with the energy to attract this very thing. Check it out.  Having it in your home can inspire you every time you see it to release more of the things that no longer serve you. See my Saturday Night Live Art Show about this “Regeneration” series and how you can use it in your home.

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Green and Clean: Eco-Friendly Tips for Decluttering Your Home

By Mary Ann Benoit

President- Northern Lights Home Staging and Design Owner- Arctic Paradise Bed and Breakfast Artist- Stained Glass, Jewelry and Alcohol Ink Art Wildlife Biologist Director- Kaleido World Percussion and Dance Company Director- Tavus Dance Company of Alaska Lover of music, art, dance and animals.


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