Bring the Outdoors in with Interior Design

As humans, we want to be connected with nature and other living things such as people, animals, and plants because it makes us feel good. This longing for “connection” is called “biophilia”. There are numerous ways that we could use Interior Design to get that connection for a happier, healthier home including using natural materials, plants, animals, color, art, scents, and lighting. Some tips include” Bringing the outdoors “in” through the use of design, strategic window Read more […]

Globally Inspired, Soulfully Aligned: The New Design Frontier

Globally Inspired Styles with the Soul of Aligned Design Your affinity for Globally Inspired Design styles mirrors mine – a shared passion for the aesthetics and emotions they evoke. At the same time, the Aligned Design philosophy may have resonated with your desire for spaces that not only look beautiful but also align with deeper principles. So, how do these two realms intertwine?Global Design styles bring forward a rich tapestry of cultural narratives, textures, and colors from around the Read more […]

Tell Your Story with Global Style Interior Design

What is a Global Design Style? Global styles capture the essence of your adventures across the world, weaving together a tapestry of your experiences and stories. Characterized by vibrant hues, they radiate with the boldness of designs inspired by various cultures, suffused with rich textures and patterns. Every item isn’t just a decor piece; it’s a narrative, sparking curiosity and conversations.Instead of adhering to a strict theme, treasures find their place without being confined by their Read more […]