The key to beauty, whether it is a beautiful room, a poem, a dance, a piece of art or music is doing nothing. Create silence, emptiness, and space. Â The silence is nothing and everything. Without it there is nothing.The silence allows the thing within it, before it and after it to shine, to align and have meaning, so it does not get lost in the racket of life. Creating silence or space is hard. It is not easy or natural for us. Our minds are constantly going with monkey Read more […]
Tag: Interior design plan
Why Creating Your Perfect Space Matters
Are you a Perfect Space Seeker? Do you want a beautiful, healthy home that looks and feels great without spending tons of time or money? Do you wish your home was a sanctuary and perfect space for you? Your perfect space can support you in your journey to BE the person you need to be to live your perfect life. The Perfect Space- Who Cares? Most of us think our house or space is OK, but we wish it was better. If pressed, we would admit we really wished it felt like a sanctuary, a place that Read more […]