Some Colors are Bossy. Will You Listen to Them?

Some colors are just plain bossy. You might want to ignore them, but you can’t. And you shouldn’t.It is not that they are overly bold or colorful.  They are just in your face. Every Single Day.They are your fixed finishes. The things you rarely change unless you are doing some significant remodeling. They are your countertops, your floors, and architectural features such as stone or brick walls or fireplaces, or other predominant features. They are the things Read more […]

How to Choose a Natural Stone for Kitchen Countertops

Countertops play two essentials roles in the kitchen: first, from a practical point of view, they make the kitchen space fully functional, and second, they serve an aesthetic purpose.Different people look for different things when choosing a kitchen countertop.Some place more importance on functionality, while others place the visual appeal of the material on the top of their list of priorities.Whatever group you belong in, natural stone offers the best of both worlds.Below, we will explore the pros Read more […]

Why Decorating Makes Us Happy

Why Decorating Makes Us Happy- 9 Ways it Brings Us Joy

What is it about decorating that is so good for our minds, our hearts, our souls?Why do we want do it? Why should we do it? I can think of nine reasons, and when added together, the end result is bliss!