Get the Look- Indian Style Interior Design

What is a Global Design Style? Global styles are all about your worldly adventures and telling your story! They are usually very colorful, rich in bold designs and natural textures, patterns, colors and arts and crafts of various cultures. Each piece has a story and becomes a conversation starter.  Treasures are displayed without rules or grouping by the part of the world each piece is from. Antiques mix with modern pieces, and natural objects such as animal horns, plants and rocks add to the Read more […]

What’s Your Global Interior Design Style? Take the Quiz

What’s Your Global Interior Design Style? Well, let’s find out, shall we? You might be wondering, what is a global design style?What is a Global Design Style?Global styles are all about your worldly adventures and telling your story! They are usually very colorful, rich in bold designs and natural textures, patterns, colors and arts and crafts of various cultures. Each piece has a story and becomes a conversation starter.  Treasures are displayed without rules or grouping by the part of the world Read more […]