Saturday Night Live Art Shows-Aligned Energy Art- “Release”

Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows ! I am Mary Ann Benoit and am with you tonight from Seward Alaska! So excited to be with you tonight to share my new idea, called Aligned Energy Art and three fractal art pieces I designed to introduce it.Thanks to Saturday Night Live Art Shows creator, artist Brooke Harker and her co-hosts Joan Marie of Joan Marie Art, Sheryl Benjy, and Nichole McDaniel for making this possible.Be sure to check out all the other artists from around the world,   having Read more […]

How a Silly Facebook Quiz Changed My Life

Here is the crazy story of how I started Northern Lights Home Staging and Design.You never know when inspiration will hit. The question is, will you take action and do something about it? My  inspiration came in a surprising way, from one of those silly “Facebook” quizzes. You know, one of those games that tell you who you were in a past life or what your handwriting says about you etc. One day I played “What is your true profession”. The answer was “Designer”. Read more […]

Your Art Reflects Your Personality. Who are You?

Art is a reflection of your soul. Does it speak of your vibrant and eclectic spirit? Do you lean into fluidity and boldness? Are you captivated by intricate nuances? Do sinuous curves resonate more with you than rigid lines? Is it the voyage, rather than the endpoint, that intrigues you? Are you drawn to art that leaves a lingering, dramatic impact? Is the dance of texture and motion in art something you’re fond of? And do you believe that nature, in all its glory, is the ultimate artist?The art Read more […]

The Colors of Summer- Bring the Outside In

Summer is one of my favorite times of year. It’s warm and the outdoors beckons, the colors explode with flowers, fruit, an explosion of green growth and the showiness of all the male birds. There is a feeling of abundance and adventure. Completion of all the things you have sown. It is bold and beautiful. Would you like to have that same look and feeling inside in your home year round? Take some color and other cues from nature and bring the outside in. Here is an example of what I mean. This Read more […]

Saturday Night Live Art Shows- “Raven Medicine”- Make Space for Magic

Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows. Animals have much to teach us if we just listen. Would you like more magic in your life? Ravens are associated with magic and the unknown. They teach us to be open to magic. That means being present now, rather than in your head with your checklist. Ravens teach us to:Embrace ChangePay Attention to SignsConnect with our Spiritual SideTake time for IntrospectionMy art, a collage of AI and fractal energy art supports you in energetically opening yourself Read more […]

Attract Wealth with Interior Design: The Energy Art Quiz

Most of us want one or all of these things…to attract wealth, love, or health.My “Attracting Wealth” collection energetically supports you in your space to attract wealth by reminding you to BE the person that energetically attracts wealth.Everything is energy. The energy of your space affects how you feel and can support you in reaching your potential. Energy art can serve as the basis for the design of the room, and how it feels.   Are you adept at attracting Read more […]

Saturday Night Live Art Shows-Aligned Energy Art- “Eternity”

Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows. I am really happy to share my Aligned Energy Art series called “Eternity”, with four fractal art /sacred geometry pieces in an Edesign I created to highlight them. This is a special collaboration with my followers. I am doing a creative challenge to create a new piece of art every day for 100 days. I created the first piece and did not know what to name it. I asked my followers how it made them feel. Their comments were amazing! I created a story that Read more […]

Saturday Night Live Art Shows- “Unveiling Time”.

Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows. I’m Mary Ann Benoit, an energy artist and Interior Designer from Seward, Alaska.How do you feel about time? Is there never enough? Does it fly by or stand still?We think of time as linear. What if it’s not, and all things are happening at the same time, but you just see one aspect of it?Ever feel like you have been somewhere before, or have a memory from a distant time or place you have never been?Is it a past memory behind the veil of time? Or a concurrent Read more […]

Saturday Night Live Art Shows: “Joy”- Energy Art portrait of Joan Marie.

Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows. I’m Mary Ann Benoit, an energy artist and Interior Designer from Seward, Alaska. Energy art portraits express who you truly are when you shine your light. I created this fractal art piece, inspired by this photo, to express Joan Marie, a Visionary Artist of Joan Marie Art, shining her light to the world. What do I see in this photo? A huge heart exploding with creativity, joy, and love. A spirit filled with fun, colorful abandon, and spiritual wisdom. Read more […]

Saturday Night Live Art Shows- Increase Your Personal Power with “Solar Plexus Chakra” Energy Art

Saturday Night Live Art Shows- Increase Your Personal Power with "Solar Plexus Chakra" Energy Art

Welcome to Saturday Night Live Art Shows. I’m Mary Ann Benoit, an energy artist and Interior Designer from Seward, Alaska. In this show, I share four fractal art designs in my “Solar Plexus Chakra” series and show you how you can increase your personal power and sense of well-being with energy art and the design of your space. Would you like to enhance your self-confidence and feel more powerful? Do you worry about what people think of you, and seek constant approval? Do you often Read more […]