Detached Garage Offices: A Startup Strategy for Boosting Productivity and Scalability

When it comes to startup success, optimizing for productivity is key. While co-working spaces and conventional offices have their merits, entrepreneurs are now looking for more flexible and cost-effective solutions. In a quest for this, a detached home office, specifically in the form of a detached garage, has emerged as a viable alternative. This structure is not only affordable but also customizable, making it perfect for fledgling companies.Courtesy of Northern Lights Home Staging & Design, Read more […]

Revolutionizing Your Life with Downsizing: A Path to Simplicity and Freedom

In today’s fast-paced world, the allure of a simpler, more efficient lifestyle is growing ever stronger. Downsizing your living space is not just a trend but a strategic move towards a more liberated and fulfilling life. With a focus on reducing clutter, financial burdens, and maintenance responsibilities, downsizing presents a unique opportunity to redefine your living standards and priorities. Here are some tips from Mary Ann Benoit to get you started.Save Financially Imagine the relief and freedom Read more […]

Green and Clean: Eco-Friendly Tips for Decluttering Your Home

The drive to create a clean, organized living space can often result in significant waste. Fortunately, decluttering your home doesn’t have to mean contributing to landfill overload. This article from Northern Lights Staging and Design aims to give you a roadmap for making eco-conscious choices as you clean up, declutter, and reorganize. In doing so, you can contribute to environmental sustainability while enjoying the benefits of the positive energy of a more organized and harmonious home. Repair Read more […]

4 Ways to Create the Home Office of Your Dreams Without Putting a Dent on Your Budget

There’s no place like home to work, and it can help you maintain a healthy work-life balance when done right. You’re spared commuting, you can enjoy a flexible schedule, and working from home is known to lower stress levels and increase productivity—on top of many other benefits. Among the best ways to guarantee this is to create a working environment that’s set up for success, focus, and inspiration. Here’s how to do so without breaking the bank. Stock up on essentials. At the most fundamental Read more […]

Stay Warm This Winter and Slash Bills with These Home Efficiency Upgrades

Stay Warm This Winter and Slash Bills with These Home Efficiency Upgrades Do you ever feel like it’s impossible to stay warm in the winter without spending a fortune on energy bills? If this sounds familiar, you may be surprised by how easy it can be to heat your home more efficiently. Smart home tech is one of our favorite solutions, but it’s not the only option. From high-tech devices to small changes in everyday habits, there are countless ways to boost your home’s efficiency — and make Read more […]

How can I work with an Interior Designer on my budget?

How can I work with an Interior Designer on my budget? Many perceive hiring an Interior Designer as a lavish expenditure during home renovation or updates. Yet, partnering with an expert can prevent costly errors, ensuring your investment aligns with your vision. However, remodeling isn’t cheap, and budget constraints are real. Seeking professional advice that’s budget-friendly? Enter Edesign! Edesign is the future-forward approach to Interior Design – completely online. It doesn’t matter if Read more […]

Great Paint Color Schemes- Black, White and Shades of Gray

People often struggle with creating a great color scheme.   In my recent series of blog articles we discussed how you could take your favorite color, blue for example, and create different color schemes. We explored monochromatic, analogous, Complimentary, Diad, Triad, Tetrad, Split-Complimentary and Double Complimentary.Today, lets talk about using black, white and shades of gray.  To catch up on these other color schemes see my articles Celebrate Your Favorite Color- Go Monochromatic and Create Read more […]

Great Paint Color Schemes- Try a Double-Complimentary

People often struggle with creating a great color scheme.   In my last few blog articles we discussed how you could take your favorite color, blue for example, and create different color schemes. We explored monochromatic, analogous, complimentary, diad, triad and tetrad color schemes. Today, lets look at a Split-Complimentary!A tetrad uses four colors  which include two complimentary color pairings. It can be difficult to balance  if you use all four colors in equal amounts it may feel like Read more […]

Great Paint Color Schemes- Try a Split-Complimentary

People often struggle with creating a great color scheme.   In my last few blog articles we discussed how you could take your favorite color, blue for example, and create different color schemes. We explored monochromatic, analogous, complimentary, diad, triad and tetrad color schemes. Today, lets look at a Split-Complimentary!A double-complimentary scheme uses four colors  which include two complimentary color pairings. It can be difficult to balance  if you use all four colors in equal amounts Read more […]

Great Paint Color Schemes- Try a Tetrad

People often struggle with creating a great color scheme.   In my last few blog articles we discussed how you could take your favorite color, blue for example, and create different color schemes. We explored monochromatic, analogous, complimentary, diad and triad color schemes. Today, lets look at a Tetrad!A tetrad uses four colors  which include two complimentary color pairings. It can be difficult to balance  if you use all four colors in equal amounts it may feel like too much. You can use Read more […]