Seasonal Living Design Challenge

Do you love bringing the outdoors in? I do too. A beautiful example is this Edesign I created for the Seasonal Living Design Challenge. Participants were to design a space in a Modern to Modern Farmhouse higher-end residential home, containing at least 3 Seasonal Living products, and 2 seasons should be reflected in the use of each space. Spaces should emphasize the concept of “Wellness”. Open concept living/dining area and deck that uses flexible indoor/outdoor sustainable artisan furniture Read more […]

The Beauty of Seeing the World in Shades of Yellow

Do you love yellow, and the look of Global Style Design? Fill your home with your favorite color, and the rich colors, exotic designs, and hand-made works of art that bring the beauty of different cultures to life in your space. Varying shades of yellow and gold are used in Bohemian style and Modern Global styles.Yellow is used in various shades and saturation levels in many different cultures. Warm shades of yellow are much loved in Indian-style designs. Yellows, particularly golden yellows are Read more […]

The Beauty of Seeing the World in Shades of Orange

Do you love orange, and the look of Global Style Design? Fill your home with your favorite color, and the rich colors, exotic designs, and hand-made works of art that bring the beauty of different cultures to life in your space.Orange is used in various shades and saturation levels in many different cultures, and shades of orange are a natural color of the desert and of rocks in many areas so shades of orange can be quite common, such as when you see terracotta.On the color wheel, orange is between Read more […]

The Beauty of Seeing the World in Shades of Purple

Do you love purple, and the look of Global Style Design? Fill your home with your favorite color, and the rich colors, exotic designs, and hand-made works of art that bring the beauty of different cultures to life in your space.Purple is not commonly used in many cultures because it was often an expensive color to create. So when it was used, it was often associated with royalty. On the color wheel, purple is between red and blue and can take on aspects of its neighbors. Like blue, purple can feel Read more […]

The Beauty of Seeing the World in Shades of Blue

Do you love blue, and the look of Global Style Design? Fill your home with your favorite color, and the rich colors, exotic designs, and hand-made works of art that bring the beauty of different cultures to life in your space.Blue is associated with tranquility, peace, nature, water, and the sky. It is considered by some to be a “cool” color and may affect your perception of how warm or cool you feel in a space.It may at times evoke a feeling of sadness, which may be where the expression “feeling Read more […]

The Beauty of Seeing the World in Shades of Red

Do you love the look of Global Style Design? It is filled with rich colors, exotic designs, and hand-made works of art that bring the beauty of different cultures to life in your space. Is red your favorite color? Red is often associated with love, passion, fire and heat, strength, power, courage,  vibrant energy, and excitement. Red can be dramatic when used in your décor. Like all colors, red means different things in different cultures. Often, when you see red as a color in a country’s Read more […]

The Beauty of Seeing the World in Shades of Green

Do you love the look of Global Style Design? Do you love the rich colors, exotic designs, hand-made works of art that bring the beauty of different cultures to life in your space?Is green your favorite color? Let’s celebrate green, the color of nature. Global style is great for bringing the outdoors in and connecting with nature. Green is a great color to use to get that worldly look and connect the energy between the outside world and nature to your perfect interior space. An Read more […]

The Beauty of Seeing the World in Black and White

The Beauty of Seeing the World in Black and White

Do you love the look of Global Style Design? Do you love the rich colors, exotic designs, hand-made works of art that bring the beauty of different cultures to life in your space?Guess what? You can still get the beauty of all those global styles in black and white. An easy way to get the look of any Global Style is with a beautiful rug, and then add some great Global Style pillows for accents.  Edesign by Northern Lights Home Staging Read more […]

Edesign- A Trip to Your Perfect Space in a Ferrari Instead of a Stage Coach

By now, you have probably heard of Edesign, which is sometimes called online Interior Design or Virtual Design. It is a fast way to work together with your favorite designer to create your perfect space.People put off creating their perfect space for the right time, the right house, the right budget, the right whatever. Before you know it, it has never happened and you have lost such a great chance to improve your life. Why not make it happen now?Edesign is one way to get there fast. It is a collaboration Read more […]

Feel Connected and Relaxed When You Surround Yourself With the Beauty of Nature

There are 10 great reasons to love global style design. One of my favorite reasons is that Global style design is great at bringing the outside in to your designs, to help you feel connected and relaxed by surrounding yourself with the beauty of nature. What is Global Style? Global style tells the story of your life and adventures with things you have collected in your travels and local adventures. Highlighting unique, colorful, and beautiful art and crafts is a wonderful way to create your Read more […]