I Learned to Solve All My Interior Design Problems by Dancing-Light Transforms Ordinary to Extraordinary

I Learned to Solve All My Interior Design Problems by Dancing-Light Transforms Ordinary to Extraordinary

Light isn’t merely an illuminating force—it’s a storyteller, a guide, and an artist. In the intricate dance between shadow and glow, there lies the potential to transform any space into an evocative sanctuary of feelings and experiences.

As in my philosophy of Aligned Design, the combination of artistry, science, and energectic connection captivates the power of light.and its ability to spotligh the unique facets of your environment and create an atmosphere of enchantment.

Light Makes the Magic Happen.

I have a love for many forms of art, including one of my favorites, dance. I am always noticing the similarities between what is important in the different art forms I explore.


I had the privilege of attending a dance workshop titled “From Practice to Professional Presentation,” led by the renowned dancer and instructor, Helia Bandeh. This immersive experience delved deep into the nuances of creating a visually captivating stage or backdrop for dance performances, whether live or on video. Helia shed light on crucial aspects such as décor, lighting, and costuming.


It’s astonishing how much it intersects with the principles of Interior Design! In this article, we’ll zoom in on the magic of lighting.

According to Helia, “light is the most important element in your visual presentation and can totally transform the performance or the space”. I agree, whether it is dance or Interior Design.

How to Make Magic Happen in Your Home with Lighting by Northern Lights Home Staging and Design
Edesign and “Deep Purple” fractal art by Mary Ann Benoit.
"Deep Purple" custom Fractal Art by Northern Lights Home Staging and Design
Deep Purple Fractal Art by Mary Ann Benoit

Light Shapes Perception

The power of light extends beyond mere illumination. It serves as a director, guiding one’s gaze. Whether illuminating an entire auditorium – encompassing both audience and stage – or narrowing down to a singular performer, light dictates where our attention lies.

In our homes and workplaces, strategic lighting can accentuate a piece of art, create a cozy reading nook, illuminate a kitchen countertop, or guide a path. The right play of light can alter our perception of space, both in terms of size and ambiance.

For instance, during a performance, when a specific area is spotlighted, it not only commands focus but can also transform the vastness of a stage or room into a cozy, intimate setting, allowing external distractions to fade into obscurity.

Saturday Night Live Art Shows- Turkish Style
Edesign and “Heart of Turkey" energy art by Mary Ann Benoit.
"Heart of Turkey" energy art by Mary Ann Benoit
Heart of Turkey energy art by Mary Ann Benoit
"Heart of Turkey #4" energy art by Mary Ann Benoit
Heart of Turkey #4 energy art by Mary Ann Benoit

Light is the Master of Color

In the realm of the stage, light serves as a masterful tool for manipulating color, all without altering the physical aspects of the set. Consider, for instance, the transformative effect of various lights on a dancer adorned in a white dress. Colored lighting has the capacity to envelop the backdrop, intensify the hues enveloping the performer, or instill a distinct mood.

Within your interior spaces, the presence of colored light can profoundly impact the perceived warmth or coolness of the surroundings, thereby orchestrating the very essence of your colors. Here, light reigns supreme as it can effortlessly usher in a festive ambiance, as exemplified by the twinkling charm of Christmas lights.

How to Make Magic Happen in Your Home with Lighting by Northern Lights Home Staging and Design
Edesign and “Deep Purple” fractal art by Mary Ann Benoit. Notice color difference between night lighting in this picture and day light in the picture below.
Edesign and “Deep Purple” fractal art by Mary Ann Benoit.

Light is the Maestro of Drama

Sharp, hard light, characterized by its pronounced contrast between luminosity and shadow, isn’t just a source of illumination; it’s a storytelling tool. By carving out a space with stark differences between light and dark, hard light can evoke intense emotions, channel focus, and create a cinematic atmosphere.

Imagine a room bathed in soft, uniform light. Now, introduce a singular beam of hard light, spotlighting a piece of art on the wall or a vintage table in the center. Instantly, that object becomes the room’s protagonist, drawing eyes and sparking intrigue. This interplay isn’t merely about visibility, but about imbuing significance.

Similarly, in the realm of theater and dance, hard lighting can elevate a scene or movement, turning a simple gesture into a moment of raw, emotional power. The way it carves shadows and highlights can echo the intricacies of the human condition – our vulnerabilities, our strengths, our moments of introspection.

In essence, light doesn’t just illuminate; it punctuates, intensifies, and narrates, shaping our experience of any given space or moment.

How to Make Magic Happen in Your Home with Lighting by Northern Lights Home Staging and Design
Lighting creates drama.

Light- The Ultimate Designer's Tool

In the realm of design, light isn’t just an element; it’s the alchemy that metamorphoses a space. “Light stands as the cornerstone of design, wielding the power to wholly redefine an environment.”

As I journey through life, my appreciation deepens for the interwoven tapestry of artistic disciplines. The parallels between Interior Design and other artistic endeavors are striking. At their core, they share foundational principles that breathe life into masterpieces. It requires a keen sense of observation, a discerning ear, and a heart that resonates with the ambient energy to truly discern these connections.

The artistry (innate creativity), melded with the precision of science (understanding of colors), and the profoundness of energy (the emotive connection), orchestrates a harmonious ballet of elements. This trinity of alignment is my guiding compass, allowing me to choreograph exquisite dance performances and craft evocative interior spaces.

Light highlights the energy of the art and it'sobvious and subliminal messages as well as the flowers.
"Heart of Turkey #3" energy art by Mary Ann Benoit
"Heart of Turkey #3" energy art by Mary Ann Benoit

Light- The Unspoken Director

Within the canvas of your interior, light is the artist’s brush, poised to highlight key facets of your environment. It possesses the remarkable ability to draw the viewer’s focus with pinpoint precision – whether it’s accentuating a cherished piece of art, carving out a serene reading alcove, illuminating a workspace in your kitchen or office, or gently guiding you along a well-defined pathway.

Moreover, the art of spotlighting and dimming is akin to wielding a magician’s wand. It bestows the power to sculpt how we perceive space, deftly crafting an atmosphere of intimacy and charm. Envision yourself nestled before a flickering fireplace, with the remainder of the room bathed in a soft, subdued glow. Or picture a cozy reading nook or a captivating game corner, bathed in the gentle embrace of selectively dimmed lighting, beckoning you to unwind and lose yourself in the moment. These are the artful manipulations of light that transform mere spaces into immersive experiences.

Light- The Master of Energy

How to Make Magic Happen in Your Home with Lighting by Northern Lights Home Staging and Design
Light directs your attention to what you want to highlight such as the art sculpture on the table, and the elements of the celebration on the other tables. Edesign by Mary Ann Benoit.

The energy of lighting profoundly influences the energy, or ambiance, of a space through how it affects  our senses, emotions, and perceptions:

  1. Emotional Resonance: Different lighting can evoke different feelings. Warm, soft lighting often feels cozy and inviting, evoking feelings of relaxation and warmth. In contrast, cool, bright lighting can energize and invigorate a space, making it feel active and alert.

  2. Focus and Perception: Lighting can be used to draw attention to specific elements of a room, guiding one’s gaze and perceptions. By spotlighting a particular object or area, it becomes a focal point, altering how the space is experienced. Conversely, shadows can be used to create depth and mystery, lending a room an air of intimacy or contemplation.

  3. Spatial Dynamics: The way light spreads throughout a space can make it feel larger or smaller. Bright, evenly distributed light gives the sensation of openness, making a space feel larger. Dim lighting or selectively illuminated areas can make a space feel cozy, intimate, and more segmented.

  4. Temporal Ambiance: The changing nature of lighting, especially natural light, sets the rhythm of our day. Morning light can feel fresh and invigorating, while evening light is often warm and settling. By mimicking these natural transitions, artificial lighting can set the mood or change the energy of a room to align with our circadian rhythms.

  5. Color Interaction: Light affects the way we perceive colors. The hue and intensity of light can enhance or mute the colors in a room, thereby changing its overall energy. A room bathed in golden hour light will feel vastly different from the same room illuminated by the bluish light of a cloudy day.

  6. Cultural and Personal Associations: Different cultures, and even individuals, might have varying associations with light based on experiences and upbringing. For example, candlelight might evoke feelings of romance, spirituality, or introspection depending on one’s personal experiences.

  7. Energetic Flow: In metaphysical terms, light is often associated with positive energy flow. A well-lit space is considered to have good ‘Chi’, encouraging vitality, clarity, and well-being.

In essence, the energy of lighting is intrinsically linked with the energy of a space. It’s more than just visibility; the beauty it creates or its effects on color,  it’s about creating an ambiance, invoking emotions, and influencing the very essence of a space’s character.

See the Beauty of the World in Shades of Orange
Edesign of a Mexican style dining table with beuutiful outdoor amd indoor lighting by Mary Ann Benoit.

Learn More

Learn more about some of the unique lessons I have learned about creating great interiors from dance and music in some of my other blog posts below.

Illuminate Your Space with Aligned Design

Light isn’t merely an illuminating force—it’s a storyteller, a guide, and an artist. In the intricate dance between shadow and glow, there lies the potential to metamorphose any space into an evocative sanctuary of feelings and experiences.

Drawing on the sacred triad of artistry, science, and connection, we invite you to embark on an Aligned Design journey with us. Together, we’ll harness the captivating power of light, spotlighting the unique facets of your environment and crafting an atmosphere of intimacy and enchantment.

Imagine your cherished art pieces bathed in precise illumination, a serene reading nook beckoning you to lose yourself in a book, or a workspace radiant with just the right balance of light, enhancing both functionality and ambiance.

Dive into the transformative world of lighting with our specialized consultation, and let’s co-create spaces that don’t just look good, but feel magical

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By Mary Ann Benoit

President- Northern Lights Home Staging and Design Owner- Arctic Paradise Bed and Breakfast Artist- Stained Glass, Jewelry and Alcohol Ink Art Wildlife Biologist Director- Kaleido World Percussion and Dance Company Director- Tavus Dance Company of Alaska Lover of music, art, dance and animals.
